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Writer's pictureMark Cline

Score Update

So Jason and I spent near eight hours over the past two days on a Facetime call getting the scoring elements recorded. Then today I spent another few hours tweaking and expanding from there. Things have progressed so well in this area because of the amount of time Jason and I spent prepping. Over the past month we watched and re-watched the raw edit. Talking about the mood, what's going on in Sadie's head and and course what serves the scene. We listened to a couple of synthesizers worth of sounds, looking for those instruments that we could work with. Since we entered edit lock mode, things just started popping into place.

They always say that the score can make or break any film, Every Other Night no different. The wrong scoring can make a happy movie sad and a sad movie comical. Honestly how things could go so wrong for a movie for that to happen comes down to a lack of communication. Plus not being able to express one's own vision and purpose with sound. Not everyone can do that, I know. I think we've completed what we set out to do. Make the score the unsung 4th character.

I already knew what musical pieces I wanted while I was writing the script. I had a certain sound in my head that helped define that scene, helped defined that characters minds set. While I might make this sound like I knew exactly what I wanted at every stage of the film, no. Some were concepts or very lose ideas at best. Others were 100% known. That's the fun in doing this. Another thing that makes it fun is being able to collaborate with your friends.

Just like old times Jason. Thanks for giving your time and energy to help make Every Other Night even better.

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